Poker Tricks

The basics of solid poker strategy involve many concepts that you must combine to become a consistently winning player. The following concepts are crucial to learning poker strategy: Tight play. Aggressive play. Follow the below poker tips to improve your cash game at the poker table. Poker Cash Game Strategy Tips from Daniel Negreanu (with Video) To submit requests for assistance, or provide feedback regarding accessibility, please contact You can click any of these poker tips to jump straight to a detailed explanation that will help your game. Play Fewer Hands And Play Them Aggressively Don’t Be The First Player To Limp “Semi-Bluff” Aggressively with Your Draws.

  1. Poker Tricks In Hindi
  2. Poker Tricks Reddit
  3. Poker Tricks And Tips

March 8, 2021 10:45 am

When it comes to poker strategies, a lot of articles are there describing them. But there are unique yet very prime strategies that people overlook.

Knowing some tactics that your poker buddies don’t give you an upper hand in the game. These tips are just an advancement of the beginner poker strategies but revised. Try them in your next game and see if they will win you a game or if they will leave your buddies shocked.

Start playing from a tight baseline: This means playing confidently and privately. This can influence your opponents’ perception of you which will work for you. Doing so at the beginning of the game will help you identify and know the table and your opponents. Remember it is much easier and professional to work on a tight baseline than to play a loose or wild style.

Poker tricks to win

Straight flush: These are essentially pocket cards that are suited and consecutive. Also known as the suited connectors, they became a real deal in poker since the start of televised pro tournaments. Under the right circumstance, they can be very profitable. If you are the first in the pot, play with straight flush but it’s advised not to over-depend on them.

Poker Tricks

Know when to quit: A pro gambler should always expect the best but be prepared for the worst. Quitting doesn’t mean that you are a loser but staying on the game when you are barely making any money is a sure way to go broke. One thing with poker is that it will always be amongst us. Also, there are a few online sites where you can make money playing poker for free.

Play only in the good games: One thing you should always do is to position yourself where your chances of winning are greater. All pro poker players know that ego is never anyone’s friend. There are a few tricks that can help you identify a game you should be playing in:

●If one of the players is frequently limping
●If there are multiple jackpots
●If the re-raisers are extremely rare or frequent.

A better game is a game where you are the best compared to your opponents.


These are some tricks that you can use on your buddies when playing poker and see how they will work for you. Also, don’t forget to incorporate the basic poker strategies and tips for you to make the most out of it.

Poker Chip Tricks


Every live cash game and tournament has the background noise of a poker chip tricks. Many players are riffling them their own way, not actually a performing trick as such. Poker chip tricks are the hallmark of an experienced player, however, is this the right table image you want to project? Whilst performing poker chip tricks at the table is fun and gives you something to do at the table, consider the impression you give your opponents.

Poker Tricks In Hindi

The Chip Roll

This is the rolling of chips from one hand to the other. It looks great, seeing the chips rolling but takes time to master.
Difficulty Rating – 7

The Knuckle Roll

#This poker chip trick requires the player to flip the chip across each knuckle on their hand with finesse. The quicker and smoother you can achieve this, the better it looks!
Difficulty Rating – 5

The Riffle

The most common of poker chip tricks, otherwise known as the “shuffle”. This is probably one of the easiest tricks to master but you still see ½ of players doing it wrong. All you need is your stronger hand and two stacks of chips and riffle them with 1 on each side riffling upwards. It is a pretty sight if you have two stacks of different colours!
Difficulty Rating – 4

The Chip Twirl

My personal favourite. The chip twirl is where you have 3 chips, separate the middle take it out, twirl it and slide back in. This requires some great finger work but is a lot of fun and looks awesome too.
Difficulty Rating – 7

Anti-Gravity Chip Trick

Poker Tricks Reddit

What trick is better than defying gravity? This trick is an eye catching illusion. I never performed it myself, but my gosh it looks awesome. I remember seeing this for the first time and being left open mouthed.
Difficulty Rating – 9


Poker chip tricks are brilliant. They make the game go quicker, they look cool and they make you demand respect by saying “I know what I am doing”. The only problem with poker chip tricks is the table image you give.

Poker Tricks And Tips

As a youngster, I wanted respect and fear from my opponents, as I have gotten older, I realise it is of no value to me from an ROI stance. I prefer to be the player thought of as bad to get action and increase my win rate than an expert who people want to avoid all the time. Have fun with the tricks but remember the impact on your image too.